Time Lords.

18 January 1995

I will have to confess that I am a fan of the TV science fiction, space show called Doctor Who. It is made in England and I wouldn't consider it especially good or well produced but it's sort of a tongue-in-cheek way of doing a movie continued piece about space. Our hero is a doctor of which there have been many. He usually has an attractive young lady who serves as his helper. This doctor claims to be a Time Lord. I never figured that I would ever find anything that would ever resemble the truth in the show but I have come across some information that has changed my mind. Here is the information.

Greetings from Sirius! We are proud to announce to our fellow humans on Planet Earth that this Governing Council has just completed the final plans for infusing Lyan/Sirian culture into your solar system.


Our educational and counseling plan will involve all six of our clan councils including our Temple counseling training staffs. This plan will begin to take effect after the mass encounter mission (the landings of Federation ships) is completed. Last year, this Governing Council presented this plan to the Pleiadean Star League at a joint conference in the Andromeda Star group. Simultaniously, Sirian liaisons with the Regional Council set up meetings with Galactic Federation liaisons from those key star systems that supported this concept of Sirian authority at past Regional Federation Council meetings.

We did it this way for two purposes. When the full disclosure was made to a meeting of the Sirian Regional Council, the announcement was done with the prior knowledge of our nonhuman friends. In this way, the message could be modified by us as required to permit its quick adoption by the Sirian Reginal Council. Finally, we did it to demonstrate that Sirus is proud that it has been selected by the Main Federation council for this truly momentous task of transferring human galactic culture to the Solis star system.


This Governing Council's plan is of a two fold nature and we hope that it meets with the approval of our younger brothers and sisters on Planet Earth. Your planet is a special world that was initially colonized by the human contigent of the Galactic Federation some two million years ago. At that time, the Sirius B star system was designated as the overseer of this operation. In accordance with prepared procedures, the colonists adapted a resolution proclaiming Lyran/Sirian culture as the model for the development of a human guardian civilization on planet Earth. This aggreement has never been rescinded and is still in full force with the complete approval of the cetaceans and your Spiritual Hierachy. However, your present surface civilization has deviated from this model. Thus the planetary civilization that now exists on planet Earth is completlely illegal.


The only legal forms of Earth human civilization are those that have retained a resemblance to the original civilzation first established in Hybornea and later, on Lemuria. The only legal remnant is the cavern civilizations of Aghartha (found on all continents of Earth) and the native cultures of your world's indigenous peoples.

Therefore, the first step of our cultural plan is a full recognition of the principle of Earth Sovereignty. This concept will help the present global civilization to understand both its rootlessness and its illegality. We can not work against, but only with the planetary Spiritual Hierarchies.

The second step concerns the formal recogniton of the overseer role of the Sirian star systems. Galactic human culture is precious to us and it is the vehicle wherby humans grow in consicousness and understand the mysterious worlds of the Time Lords. Our role is to oversee the Federation's agreements concerning the formation of the Earth's human guardian culture/civilization.

This role and the formal agreements concluded between Lady Gaia, the cetaceans, and the Galactic Federation (original Earth civilizations included) give this Sirian Governing Council its intervention rights.


This special cultural liaison team was established on July 26, 1993 (Yellow Magnetic Seed) and was formally implemented on July 26, 1994 (Red Lunar Moon). Right now, we are channeling important aspects of our culture to those whom our cultural liaison officers (assigned to the liaison office of the First Contact Team's Board of Command) deem as capable of making the Earth human population aware of human galactic culture. A second avenue of dissemination of this information involves revelation of the previously hidden knowledge of the Earth's indigenous peoples. Together, these two vehicles are capable of giving much of the preliminary knowledge that your population needs to understand the rudiments of Lyran/Sirian culture.

JW I will have to admit that when I first heard this it caused me to laugh a little bit but these people just may be able to pull this off. I just hope these people for Sirius are serious and part of the good guys.

Part 1.

Source Of Information: An article by Sheldon Nidle from Half Moon Bay, California in the magazine called Ascending Times. The article is called First Contact. This magazine is dated December 1994. The purpose of the magazine is stated on the front page; ENGLIGHENING COMMUNICATION DEDICATED TO THE UNIFICATION OF LIGHTWORKERS, ISSUE NUMBER 3. Their addres is, P.O. 989 / JACKSON, LA 70748.

John Winston.

Original file name: 95.01.18 Time Lords